Dizziness Depot

Featured image for “Initial Case History Interview with Vestibular Patients”
Oct. 15, 2024

Initial Case History Interview with Vestibular Patients

Alan Desmond
Most vestibular disorders cannot be diagnosed by testing alone. With the exception of BPPV, patient’s test findings must be placed in context with the medical history and symptoms. Some common disorders, such as vestibular migraine, suffer from no diagnostic tests, and diagnosis is primarily based on patient report of symptoms.  Financial pressures which affect both generalists and specialists alike, have
Featured image for “Mal de Debarquement Syndrome update”
Sep. 03, 2024

Mal de Debarquement Syndrome update

Brady Workman
Mal de Debarquement Syndrome (MdDS) is a French term that is utilized to describe a chronic vestibular disorder where individuals feel as if they are almost constantly rocking or swaying.  Additional symptoms can include fatigue, spatial disorientation, visual motion intolerance, headache, and anxiety. The name, when translated to English, means “sickness on dis-embarkment”. The condition is often triggered by traveling
Featured image for “vHIT Tracks Compensation Following Acute Vestibular Neuritis”
Jun. 19, 2024

vHIT Tracks Compensation Following Acute Vestibular Neuritis

Alan Desmond
In the Fall of 2017, I experienced an episode of acute right vestibular neuritis (VN). I joke that I likely have the most well documented case of VN on record. I am often the first live patient most of our students test as I am a willing example of “abnormal.” Seven years later, my permanent vestibular dysfunction has faded to
Featured image for “Post-Earthquake Related Dizziness”
May. 31, 2024

Post-Earthquake Related Dizziness

Brady Workman
I recently read an article from the New York Times about individuals experiencing persistent dizziness symptoms after an earthquake. This is not something I have encountered at a clinical level, but I found it interesting. It seems unlikely that an earthquake would directly cause an organic issue with vestibular system without any physical trauma involved. It would, however, seem plausible
Featured image for “Video Based Education in the Vestibular Clinic”
May. 01, 2024

Video Based Education in the Vestibular Clinic

Alan Desmond
I am a “late career” audiologist that specializes in vestibular disorders. It is never boring, as each patient brings with them some mystery, some challenge. There is little that is more rewarding than solving that mystery in a patient that has given up hope after months or years of symptoms with prior incorrect diagnosis and ineffective treatments. On the other
Featured image for “Hearing Loss and Increased Risk of Falling”
Feb. 28, 2024

Hearing Loss and Increased Risk of Falling

Brady Workman
Falls are the leading cause of injury related death in adults 65 or older. In the United States, around $50 billion is spent annually on medical care related to falls in older adults. Data from the World Health Organization estimates that more than 680,000 people die and 172 million suffer from falls related disabilities annually worldwide. Hearing loss is also
Featured image for “Migraine Causes Symptom Overlap with Ear Conditions: A Clinical Conundrum”
Jan. 30, 2024

Migraine Causes Symptom Overlap with Ear Conditions: A Clinical Conundrum

Brady Workman
Vestibular disorders are amongst the most common causes for dizziness accounting for around 40% of all dizziness. In recent years it has become apparent that vestibular migraine is one of the most common vestibular disorders and may even be the most common cause of recurrent episodic spontaneous vertigo. There is not a diagnostic test for vestibular migraine and the diagnosis
Featured image for “Reconsidering Meniere’s Disease”
Jan. 09, 2024

Reconsidering Meniere’s Disease

Ménière’s disease continues to mystify even the most the most seasoned practitioners. If you put 10 specialists in a room, you will likely get 10 or more opinions about the cause and most effective treatments for Meniere’s disease (MD). In fact, one recent 2019 survey of patients with a diagnosis of MD found 24 different treatments, all with similar efficacy.1
Featured image for “Tips and tricks for treating BPPV”
Nov. 28, 2023

Tips and tricks for treating BPPV

Brady Workman
Last month’s post focused on atypical causes of positional vertigo. This month’s post will be a change of pace and will consist of some general tips and tricks that we have found helpful in treating patients with BPPV. Some of the items covered may seem rudimentary to experienced practitioners but hopefully it will be informative to others. Correct positioning during
Featured image for “Atypical positional vertigo”
Oct. 26, 2023

Atypical positional vertigo

Brady Workman
The majority of cases of positional vertigo are attributed to the condition of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). BPPV occurs when otoconia migrate into the semicircular canals of the inner ear, resulting in nystagmus and a sense of vertigo that occurs with head movement or position change. Most cases of BPPV impact the posterior semicircular and are readily treated with