Core Values; Need an Update?

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
May 25, 2011

Those who know me may describe me as a talker. I do a lot of that I have to admit, but sometimes it is better just to sit back and listen to those around you. This morning during my Network meeting we had table discussions on what makes us “fit” to be the best managers possible. Several topics were brought up, but one that struck me was as a company or manager you have to have the companies Core values accessible to all in the company. As a manager/owner you have to follow these Core values as well. They have to be more than just a Mission Statement. They are also things that have to be reviewed and updated. One woman at the table owns a company that promotes sustainable living; not using a disposable water bottle by any of the employees is very important to her and she has to express this in her written Core Values.

Have you ever just Googled, “core values” to see what companies list? One blog that comes up from “Grasslands; The Entrepreneurial Blog” {{1}}[[1]] [[1]] that I found interesting had Men’s Warehouse. Mainly because this can parallel our own industry. It stated they use “suit consultants.” You may laugh, but they check with the consumer of what specific occasion or occasions the outfit will be used in and taylor the clothes around this. It has been very successful, we should tailor the product around the consumers needs, which in my opinion can not be done with only one company.

The point is that we should know what our direction is so we can bring our entire operation on that journey. State the values on the website and follow them! Sometimes we need to tweak these, just as we need to review everything in our business from time to time. Ray Katz has had some wonderful blogs in our site on “knowing your business.”

  1. Thank you Judy for this reminder! I believe the core values of the leaders and the team have to be clear and understood by all…..and actively lived by every day. In working with your team I can see that your team’s core values are aligned with you! You definitely have a Heartfelt Workforce!

  2. Chris, thank you! Your reminders on patience and practice are used everyday in the offices. The seminars were so helpful. Have a wonderful day.

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