by Brian Taylor, AuD, Editor-at-Large

Some books are meant to be read on the beach and then discarded, while some are read and then placed into your professional library. Others, like Eddie the Elephant’s Magical Ear, are meant to be purchased in bulk, and when necessary, given to children and their families as vessels for learning and empathy.
Written and illustrated by Suzanne Picerno, a hearing instrument specialist who also happens to have bilateral cochlear implants, Eddie the Elephant’s Magical Ear creatively describes the hurt, anguish and isolation associated with hearing loss. Thanks to the kindness of a spider, however, Eddie overcomes these feelings and gets the help and emotional support he needs to hear again.
Great Book for Children with Hearing Loss
This children’s book helps kids and their families understand the feelings associated with hearing loss and how they can be addressed through kindness, compassion, and respect.

It’s a highly recommended little book that should be on your shelf and handed out to school-age children who have hearing loss or know someone dealing with that condition.
To learn more about Eddie the Elephant’s Magical Ear, go to