Hearing News Watch

Sep. 30, 2013

GN adds a major Danish hearing aid dispensing company to its portfolio

David Kirkwood
COPENHAGEN—The latest development in a continuing trend in the hearing aid industry toward manufacturer control of the retail sector took place today (October 1) when GN Store Nord A/S acquired a major Danish hearing aid dispensing network, Dansk Hørecenter. GN, owner of GN ReSound, made the purchase through its Beltone subsidiary. The price was not disclosed. According to GN’s announcement,
Sep. 30, 2013

ASHA campaign alerts Americans to early signs of hearing and speech problems

David Kirkwood
  ROCKVILLE, MD—The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) has launched a nationwide campaign to raise awareness of the early warning signs of speech, language, and hearing issues. The initiative, dubbed Identify the Signs, was inspired by a survey of ASHA members that found that public lack of awareness of the signs of communications problems is the number one barrier to early
Sep. 28, 2013

Trailblazers in cochlear implants receive Lasker-DeBakey Awards

David Kirkwood
NEW YORK—Three pioneering scientists who led the way to developing the cochlear implant received the prestigious Lasker-DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award at ceremonies held here on September 20. The 2013 honorees are Graeme M. Clark, Ingeborg Hochmair, and Blake S. Wilson, whose work contributed so much to enabling profoundly deaf people to hear. In announcing the award winners, the Albert
Sep. 25, 2013

Student expelled from college nursing program because of hearing loss prevails in court

David Kirkwood
SPRINGFIELD, MO—Michael Argenyi is not the only would-be health care provider who took his college to court on charges that it had failed to accommodate his hearing loss as required by law. In Springfield, MO, Jessica Wells, who had been studying for an associate’s degree in nursing, sued Cox College of Nursing after it threw her out of the program
Sep. 21, 2013

ADA promises “Transformative” convention

David Kirkwood
BONITA SPRINGS, FL—From the opening night reception in the exhibit hall on Thursday, November 7, through a quartet of Sunday morning workshops, the Academy of Doctors of Audiology (ADA) 2013 Convention is designed to offer members and other attendees four days of “Great Transformations [to] Take Your Practice from Ordinary to Extraordinary.” Held at the 26-acre Hyatt Regency Coconut Point
Sep. 18, 2013

Hearing by design: A report on new ways to build outer ears for people without them

David Kirkwood
By Tom Parker Most people are used to seeing someone wearing custom earplugs or hearing aids, but only rarely do you see someone with no ears at all. This condition can be the result of an accident, but just as often people are born without outer ears, i.e., the exterior part of the ear known as the pinna. Apart from
Sep. 11, 2013

Married people find it easier to hear—and hear over—their spouse’s voice

David Kirkwood
  KINGSTON, ONTARIO–A research study published online August 28 in Psychological Science reports that middle-aged and older married couples find the familiar voice of their spouse easier to hear and understand in a background of speech than other, less familiar voices. The voice that a husband or wife has heard regularly for many years stands out relatively clearly against other voices
Sep. 08, 2013

When Viking stars score, the Hearing Foundation wins

David Kirkwood
MINNEAPOLIS—If Adrian Peterson, the National Football League’s top running back, scores the 77th touchdown of his career this Sunday in the Minnesota Vikings’ opening game against the Detroit Lions, his team will make a $500 donation to the Starkey Hearing Foundation.  The same is true if Minnesota’s All-Pro wide receiver Greg Jennings adds to his total of 53 touchdowns. Throughout
Sep. 04, 2013

New film will help Alliance increase awareness and use of cochlear implants

David Kirkwood
By David H. Kirkwood McLEAN, VA–Only about 6% of the children and adults in the United States who are good candidates for cochlear implants have them, says Donna Sorkin. That’s why the American Cochlear Implant Alliance (ACI Alliance), where Sorkin is the executive director, is stepping up its efforts to increase awareness of and access to cochlear implants. The membership
Sep. 01, 2013

New editor joins HearingHealthMatters.org

David Kirkwood
TUCSON, AZ—Kevin Liebe, AuD, has joined the line-up of well-known editors at The Blogs @ Hearing Health & Technology Matters (HHTM). Effective this week, Dr. Liebe has taken over the editorship of Hearing Views, where every week he and guest contributors will share their opinions and perspectives on a wide range of subjects related to hearing. Liebe, a fulltime clinical