Pathways Society

Jun. 15, 2022

The Short Increment Sensitivity Index (SISI): An Auditory Discrimination Application?

Dr. Frank Musiek
Pathways: A 5 minute informative read…… by Frank Musiek   It has been long recognized by many in audiology and hearing science that our field lacks clinically useable measures of auditory discrimination. This shortcoming, though commonly recognized, continues to be an omission in terms of thorough assessments of a patients’ hearing status in audiology clinics throughout the USA. With this
May. 04, 2022

Evaluation and Management of Adult Auditory Processing Disorders: Part II

Dr. Frank Musiek
Jennifer Shinn, PhD, Professor and Chief of Audiology, Department of Otolaryngology, University of Kentucky Medical Center Trey Cline, AuD, Clinical Audiologist, Department of Otolaryngology, University of Kentucky Medical Center   Introduction: As you will remember in Part I, we presented the case of a 39-year-old male who was diagnosed with an auditory processing deficit (APD). He had longstanding difficulties hearing
Apr. 06, 2022

Evaluation and Management of Adult Auditory Processing Disorders: Part 1

Dr. Frank Musiek
Jennifer Shinn, PhD, Professor and Chief of Audiology, Department of Otolaryngology, University of Kentucky Medical Center Trey Cline, AuD, Clinical Audiologist, Department of Otolaryngology, University of Kentucky Medical Center   Introduction: A significant part of our clinical practice is evaluating and managing patients with auditory processing disorders (APD). All too often adults are overlooked when it comes to evaluation of
Mar. 15, 2022

An Overview of Landau-Kleffner Syndrome

Dr. Frank Musiek
Alix M. Moody and Matthew S. Lee Faculty Mentor:  Annette Hurley LSU Health Sciences Center, Dept. of Communication Disorders Landau Kleffner syndrome (LKS) is a rare childhood acquired aphasia of unknown etiology, characterized by a regression in language and abnormal electroencephalogram activity bilaterally in the speech cortex (Hungerford et al., 1998; Van Slyke, 2004). LKS is also accompanied by a
Mar. 15, 2022

The Insula, Hearing and More

Dr. Frank Musiek
Introduction In 2017, an article appeared in Pathways about the role the insula plays in hearing and more specifically auditory processing. At that time it was mentioned that there were number of articles, though scattered, that implicated an auditory role for the insula. Recently, an article on the insula caught my attention: “Inefficient Involvement of Insula in Sensorineural Hearing Loss”
Jan. 06, 2022

January 2022 NeuroAudiology Newsletter

Dr. Frank Musiek
Click here to read the January 2022 NeuroAudiology Newsletter.
Dec. 08, 2021

Part 2- Central Auditory Evaluation in Private Practice: A Commentary with historical context and case observations

Dr. Frank Musiek
Editor’s note: Dr. Ivey presents an historical as well as his clinical perspective on CAPD in practice. In over 40 years of academic as well as clinical experience Dr. Ivey has seen a wide variety of patients. In this issue of Pathways we have asked him to write a brief commentary on some of his more interesting encounters in the
Nov. 10, 2021

Part 1 – Central Auditory Evaluation in Private Practice: A Commentary with historical context and case observations.

Dr. Frank Musiek
Editor’s note: Dr. Ivey presents an historical as well as his clinical perspective on CAPD in practice. In over 40 years of academic as well as clinical experience Dr. Ivey has seen a wide variety of patients. In this issue of Pathways we have asked him to write a brief commentary on some of his more interesting encounters in the
Oct. 19, 2021

Audiology Communications: A Historical Commentary on Two Journals

Dr. Frank Musiek
by Frank Musiek, Ph.D. As in any discipline, journals play a critical role in disseminating information. Currently there are several journals including The Journal of the American Academy of Audiology (JAAA), Ear & Hearing, The International Journal of Audiology (IJA) and The American Journal of Audiology (AJA) among others that carry the message of audiological and vestibular research to the
Featured image for “Hidden Hearing Loss and Diabetes”
Sep. 08, 2021

Hidden Hearing Loss and Diabetes

Dr. Frank Musiek
Editor’s note: We are fortunate to have a commentary this month by Kathy Dowd, Executive Director of The Audiology Project (TAP) which has been front and center for involving Audiology in diabetes related hearing loss – a much needed movement. by Kathy Dowd,  AuD, Executive Director of The Audiology Project (TAP), Charlotte NC The common phrase ‘What you see is