Hear In Private Practice

Featured image for “Digital Audiometry: An Evolution in Hearing Care Accessibility and Patient-Centric Care”
Apr. 13, 2023

Digital Audiometry: An Evolution in Hearing Care Accessibility and Patient-Centric Care

Hearing loss can affect anyone. The 2021 World Report on Hearing, published by the World Health Organization (WHO), found that there are over 1.5 billion people that live with some level of hearing loss. Even more concerning is that this figure is predicted to grow to an estimated 2.5 billion by 2050. This forecast is particularly alarming because most people
Featured image for “Teleaudiology Guide: What is Teleaudiology and How it’s Improving Audiology for Patients and Providers”
Feb. 19, 2023

Teleaudiology Guide: What is Teleaudiology and How it’s Improving Audiology for Patients and Providers

Table of Contents: History of Teleaudiology What is Teleaudiology Understanding the Need for Teleaudiology Advantages of Teleaudiology for Patients and Providers Teleaudiology is Effective How SHOEBOX Can Help SHOEBOX for Teleaudiology Teleaudiology Video Conferencing Tips Conclusion Introduction to Teleaudiology When the winds of change blow, some people build walls; others build windmills. This ancient Chinese proverb has been particularly pertinent
Featured image for “What to Do When You Hear Your Eye Move?”
Feb. 05, 2023

What to Do When You Hear Your Eye Move?

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Imagine a patient reporting hearing their own eyeball move, feeling dizzy with loud sounds or quick head movements, experiencing aural fullness, autophony, and possibly some hearing loss. These symptoms form a perplexing cluster that can be frustrating for both the affected individual and their healthcare provider. We take a closer look at the condition known as Superior Canal Dehiscence Syndrome
Featured image for “Alcohol Vinegar Earwash can help keep ear canals dry and healthy”
Aug. 07, 2022

Alcohol Vinegar Earwash can help keep ear canals dry and healthy

Bob Martin
by Robert Martin, PhD Many hearing aid users have are troubled by excess moisture in their external ear canals. This can occur for a wide variety of reasons: living in a hot climate, working in a physical job, having a tiny vent in the hearing aid, or the use of earmold medications. Moist ears tend to itch, stink, and generally
Featured image for “7 Ideas to Reduce “no-show” Rates in Your Audiology Clinic”
May. 24, 2022

7 Ideas to Reduce “no-show” Rates in Your Audiology Clinic

by Allan Vinther Are you tired of losing valuable time and money because patients aren’t showing up for their scheduled appointments? In healthcare, no-show rates can range as high as 80% due to numerous factors, including transportation barriers, concerns around a possible diagnosis, and simply forgetting about the appointment.  The average cost of a missed appointment is $200. Unlike a
Featured image for “How do I attract (and keep) new customers to my hearing care practice”
May. 13, 2022

How do I attract (and keep) new customers to my hearing care practice

by Allan Vinther More than 1.5 billion people (almost 20% of the world’s population) have hearing loss. In fact, hearing loss is the third most common chronic physical condition that people experience, behind only arthritis and heart disease. Having hearing loss is twice as common as having conditions like diabetes or cancer.  However, even though a tremendous number of people
Featured image for “How to provide faster testing without quality fears and ensure clinical compliance”
May. 03, 2022

How to provide faster testing without quality fears and ensure clinical compliance

by Nils Westerlund Audiologists work in busy, fast-paced clinics and must deliver exceptional care, accurate diagnoses, appropriate solutions, and skilled counseling every day with every patient. Hearing Care Professionals (HCPs) are tasked with being efficient and compassionate, maximizing the number of patients they see per day– while still consistently providing superior care.  Real-time quality assessment can help them accomplish this.
Featured image for “Successful Hearing Aid Use: When the fitting is painful”
Feb. 13, 2022

Successful Hearing Aid Use: When the fitting is painful

Bob Martin
If you recently purchased hearing aids and notice pain in one of your ears, there are three possibilities you should carefully consider: (1) the hearing aid does not fit your ear properly, (2) you have an infected ear, or (3) the hearing aid is not inserted correctly. Wearing a pair of well-fitted hearing aids is like wearing a pair of
Featured image for “Is it Time to Review Your Clinic’s Digital Presence?”
Jan. 18, 2022

Is it Time to Review Your Clinic’s Digital Presence?

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
2021 is over and now we can look forward to turning the page and starting fresh. This makes it a perfect time to run an audit of your hearing practice website.   It’s time for a website audit   Auditing your website is a lot like taking your car for a routine tune-up. Your website isn’t a ‘set it and
Featured image for “What Should Your Practice Post on Social Media?”
Dec. 27, 2021

What Should Your Practice Post on Social Media?

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Dear Readers: During this holiday season, the editors at Hearing Health & Technology Matters (HHTM) are taking some time off. However, we are not leaving you without anything to read on our blog this week. Instead, we are publishing a special holiday edition filled with what we call our Readers’ Choices. Our Readers’ Choices featured this week are the posts