Hearing Economics

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May. 15, 2011

Regulation of Hearing Aids, part 4

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
The evolution of the hearing aid industry sketched out in parts 1-3 of this post series is that of a consumer product.  From hand to horn to telephone-like device, the hearing aid was developed and thought of by manufacturers and consumers alike as an appliance that boosted sound.  In that regard, hearing aids were a closer fit to the personal stereo niche
May. 11, 2011

Regulation of Hearing Aids in the US, part 3

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
The US Hearing Aid Industry Comes Under Scrutiny and Regulation by the FTC1 The industry’s expanding sales and capital were the result of technological innovation as well as intense marketing campaigns by the manufacturers.   Celebrity marketing and fake testimonials were a big part of these campaigns.  Luminaries ranging from Bob Hope to Bernard Baruch were used to endorse the products.
Featured image for “Regulation of Hearing Aids in the US, part 2”
May. 04, 2011

Regulation of Hearing Aids in the US, part 2

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Electronic Hearing Aids At the turn of the 19th century, hearing aids underwent a technological revolution by emulating telephone technology.  The first electronic hearing aids used carbon microphones that modulated electrical current in response to sound pressure variations. Hearing Aids Become a Business Batteries and electronic components created a market for wearable amplification among people with hearing loss. Hearing aid
Apr. 28, 2011

Regulation of Hearing Aids in the United States, part 1

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Hearing aids are categorized as Class 1 or Class 2 medical devices by the Food and Drug Administration. The large majority of hearing aids are in the Class 1 category, which means they are exempted from the premarket notification and FDA clearance requirement. Hearing aid manufacturers are required to register their establishments and bring their products into compliance with a
Featured image for “De-capitation Redux:  Adventures of Rick, part 2”
Apr. 25, 2011

De-capitation Redux: Adventures of Rick, part 2

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
In the very first post (https://hearinghealthmatters.org/hearingeconomics/2011/case-of-the-de-capitated-audiologists/), we heard from Dr Rick Lazich and his partner, who were negotiating a contract for audiology services in state long-term care facilities. … and there were a bunch of dentists involved somehow.  At that point, his group had just ponied up big bucks to hire actuaries to help with the process. Today, he’s sent in an update as
Apr. 12, 2011

Hearing Aid Insider Trading — Big Time or Bush League?

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
The hearing aid industry made the financial pages recently, when the CEO, CFO, and Chairman of Sonova Holding AG announced their resignations, simultaneously and suddenly.  Sonova says it is the “world’s largest hearing-aid maker” and I’ll take their word for it.  Sonova owns a number of well-known hearing aid brands, such as Phonak, Lyric, Hearing Planet, and others.  Here is
Apr. 06, 2011

Welcome to Hearing Economics!

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
  Economics isn’t taught in the hearing healthcare curriculum, but it should be!  We are witnessing Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand at work, steering hearing healthcare markets toward equilibrium through massive and/or rapid shifts in consumer demands, professional training, technological advancement, capital investment, industry consolidation, regulatory control, product and service distribution, and strategic pricing.  We’ll look at some of those market
Apr. 06, 2011

Case of the De-Capitated Audiologists

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
I’d like to kick start this blog by sharing an interesting query that arrived in my email this week from Rick Lazich, AuD: Dear Dr Dunn.  We are a two member audiology group that provides services/hearing aids onsite in long term care facilities in (state). We have done a fee for service practice for the past seven years. Medicaid has