Have You Heard?

Nov. 13, 2012

Schwerhörige auf Reisen, nützliche Tipps für unterwegs

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Gael Hannan is the Editor of The Better Hearing Consumer @ HHTM English-language version – A HoH On The Road: Hearing Loss Travel Tips Translated into German by Birgit Meyer, a member of the European Federation of Hard of Hearing People (EFHOH). Schwerhörige auf Reisen, nützliche Tipps für unterwegs Kann es sein, dass Deine Schwerhörigkeit Dich davon abhält zu reisen, aus
Featured image for “Parlez plus fort, Doc, je suis malentendante”
Oct. 09, 2012

Parlez plus fort, Doc, je suis malentendante

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Editor’s Note: We’re grateful to Vibes magazine for this translation of “Speak Up, Doc, I’m Hard of Hearing“, which appeared in the Better Hearing  Consumer on November 1, 2011.  Vibes is the official publication of the Canadian Hearing Society (CHS), which serves hard of hearing, culturally Deaf, oral deaf, and deafened people, their families and hearing healthcare professionals. C’est un fait, les personnes
Featured image for “Die Wahrheit über Mona”
Sep. 25, 2012

Die Wahrheit über Mona

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
By Gael Hannan, Editor The Better Hearing Consumer @ HHTM English-language version – The Truth About Mona Lisa Translated into German by Birgit Meyer, a member of the European Federation of Hard of Hearing People (EFHOH). Das Lächeln, eigentlich nur ein leichtes Kräuseln der Lippen. Und die Augen? Lächeln sie auch oder beobachten sie jemanden. Aber wen? Und warum? Seit
Sep. 18, 2012

La Pérdida De Audición: El Desventaja En Silencio

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
La pérdida de audición está  en todo el mundo.  No es de las enfermedades transmisibles de la edad o otras enfermedades. Cuando es causada por tumores cerebrales[1], desórdenes autoinmunes, o meningitis que puede producir la muerte. Para el tratamiento en estos casos, es importante detectar la pérdida de audición, diagnosticar su origen, y proporcionar tratamiento . Pero, en la mayoría
Mar. 04, 2012

Saying Goodbye

K. Ray Katz
How long is long enough?  Each of us will have a different answer to this question.  I for one have always believed that a person should contribute that which they can do well, and then move on allowing someone else a chance at the job, position, or…whatever. That is why I pushed the effort to create term limits for the
Feb. 26, 2012

Internet Groups

K. Ray Katz
        Wishing does not make “IT” happen.  In this case I would like to think that the blogs here at Hearing Health & Technology Matters (HHTM) are able to satisfy the needs of our readers for information about the hearing industry; unfortunately that ain’t so.          And before I go any farther, I have always been annoyed by the term
Feb. 19, 2012

A Methodology For the Pricing and Sale of Instruments

K. Ray Katz
When I was in practice, I had a price book.  It listed over 300 instruments (I kid you not) and it had the retail price for each one based on my markup formula along with the basic info and cost of each instrument (comp/ features/ style/ fitting range, channels, etc.)   Many times a patient disagreed with my instrument selection saying,
Feb. 12, 2012

A Case For Bundling Prices

K. Ray Katz
Written by Kathleen Mennillo, Ex. Dir., International Hearing Society There continues to be an ongoing debate among hearing health care practitioners about the billing practices for hearing aids and hearing health services.  As a consumer you need to know the difference between them to determine which is better for you.  Is it better for you if your hearing care professional
Feb. 05, 2012

Growing Your Business

K. Ray Katz
This title suggests that I am going to provide you with a quick, sure fire way to expand your business and make it more profitable.  Not true, although, if you adapt this method to your own unique location, it has the potential to provide you with the means to grow, year after year. We all know that a happy client
Jan. 29, 2012

Social Media

K. Ray Katz
(The following article is one of several adapted from information presented in seminars this writer attended at the Starkey Hearing Innovation Expo held in Las Vegas Jan. 4 through 7.) Marketing is all about creating an image of your company and reaching your potential market. In the past, a Yellow Pages ad and direct mail were the tools of choice.