Hearing Economics

Featured image for “Influenza and Audiologists: Mitigating Harm to Life and Wallet”
Jan. 29, 2013

Influenza and Audiologists: Mitigating Harm to Life and Wallet

Holly Hosford-Dunn
Today wraps up a 3-part series on flu vaccination by looking at  private versus public sector efforts to vaccinate and protect, being mindful that we need to protect not only ourselves and our patients, but our professional livelihoods as well.  It’s a perfect blend of Economics and Ethics and, I’d like to point out, Marketing.  If it were me,  I’d put a big
Featured image for “Influenza and Audiologists: In Harm’s Way”
Jan. 21, 2013

Influenza and Audiologists: In Harm’s Way

Holly Hosford-Dunn
Last week’s post ended in high dudgeon at the prospect of hearing professionals violating the Harm Principle by foregoing flu shots.  In the meantime, the flu marches on:  For the second week in a row,  flu deaths exceeded the epidemic threshold; 49.6% of hospital flu admissions were in those 65 and over, 48 states reported the highest category of flu activity
Featured image for “Influenza and Audiologists:  Ethics and Economics Finally Agree on Something”
Jan. 15, 2013

Influenza and Audiologists: Ethics and Economics Finally Agree on Something

Holly Hosford-Dunn
Anyone who picked up a newspaper or turned on the news on January 10th knows that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is tracking an “overwhelming” influenza outbreak across the US that is thought to grow more vicious before it abates.{{1}}[[1]]At the same time, the CDC has reported the largest outbreak of pertussis in the US in 60 years
Featured image for “Biotechnology Patents for Hearing and Hearing Devices”
Jan. 08, 2013

Biotechnology Patents for Hearing and Hearing Devices

Holly Hosford-Dunn
As promised, here’s an update of interesting hearing technology patents — the list is long but it only encompasses the last two months of 2012.  I think you’ll agree, it looks like a Christmas wish list — hearing aids that tell you how your body’s doing, that find themselves, that test your hearing, that do real-ear; nanotechnology penetrating the tympanic
Featured image for “Hearing Technology Patent Fights”
Jan. 01, 2013

Hearing Technology Patent Fights

Holly Hosford-Dunn
Last year’s top Hearing Economics post  listed some US patents granted in the hearing industry. The list may have stimulated readership, so another cherry-picked list of recent patents will show up in next week’s post and will be updated every few months.  In the meantime, today’s post looks at the exciting afterlife of patents in biotechnology.  Patent Wars   Not
Dec. 24, 2012

Readers’ Choice 2012: Back to the Future Part IIIa – Technology is a Double-Edged Sword

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
This multi-part series begins here: Back to the Future, Part I: Are we retailers?    This series checks in on predictions made by Lars Kolind in the late 1990s, published in the final chapter{{1}}[[1]]Jerger JJ, Skafte MD, Kolind L. The future of audiology practice management.  Chapter 21. In Hosford-Dunn H, Roeser R, & Valente, M. (2000). Audiology: Practice Management (1st Ed). NY:
Featured image for “Call of the Wild — Who Serves Patients in Remote Areas?”
Dec. 18, 2012

Call of the Wild — Who Serves Patients in Remote Areas?

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Today’s post comes from Guest Editor Ryan Kalef, an Audiologist practicing in the Greater Vancouver area of BC (see his bio at the end of this post). It describes the economic conundrum of providing services in scarcely populated areas in Canada and Government policy innovations put in place in one province, but not another.   The post should interest  many readers, not
Featured image for “Best of Hearing Economics: Are Audiologists the Problem?”
Dec. 11, 2012

Best of Hearing Economics: Are Audiologists the Problem?

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
“The secret of success is to get up early, work late and strike oil.” John D Rockefeller Recent posts at Hearing Economics have put forth the position that independent hearing healthcare providers — Audiologists and dispensers — are like wheat farmers, in the sense that they are toiling away in fields, under the hot sun, hoping their harvest is not
Featured image for “More on Costco and Audiologists:  Apples to Apples?”
Dec. 04, 2012

More on Costco and Audiologists: Apples to Apples?

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Hearing Economics went out on a testimonial limb two weeks ago by describing one Audiologist’s positive interactions with a local Costco dispensing operation.  The Audiologist was me and I braced myself for an onslaught of insults and vituperation from colleagues.  Remarkably, that has not happened (yet) and I’ve canceled my reservation for the witness protection program.  Readers’ comments were measured and
Featured image for “More Little Cost Cutting Ideas:  Lose the Front Desk”
Nov. 27, 2012

More Little Cost Cutting Ideas: Lose the Front Desk

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Innovation also means finding  ways to adapt.  Editor’s Caveat:  This is the 3rd in a series that reveals cost cutting measures in tiny, independent practices under duress.  In my case,  our 1.5-person, part-time practice is in a locale hit hard by rapid changes in hearing healthcare.  We think about reducing marginal costs all the time and the more we think, the