Pathways Society

Jul. 09, 2015

Thoughts on Hearing and Cognition

Dr. Frank Musiek
by Vasiliki (Vivian) Iliadou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki The importance of the sense of hearing as the main vehicle of information transmission during language acquisition, learning and communication is widely accepted. As hearing extends beyond hearing sensitivity (acuity) measured by an audiogram (Jerger & Musiek, 2000; Iliadou, Chermak, Bamiou, 2015), auditory processing evaluation provides more ecological information on functional everyday hearing.
Jun. 03, 2015

Speech in Noise Deficits in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Dr. Frank Musiek
Donna Geffner, Ph.D., CCC-Sp/A, Long Island AuD. Consortium St. John’s University, New York   As audiologists it is not typical for us to encounter a population of children and adults with AD/HD unless they disclose their diagnosis. However, this is the very population that we should encounter for they exhibit many auditory processing deficits. It was of interest to investigate
May. 06, 2015

Cryoloop Cooling: A Research Advance with Clinical Implications

Dr. Frank Musiek
By Barrett St. George, Diane Cheek, Alyssa Everett & Frank E. Musiek, PhD The University of Arizona, Department of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences   Introduction Occasionally there is a breakthrough in science, basic or clinical, that affords investigators a definite advantage in their quest for more knowledge and solutions. Sometimes the uptake of this new approach takes a period of time before its
Featured image for “Geschwind and Levitsky Revisited”
Apr. 01, 2015

Geschwind and Levitsky Revisited

Dr. Frank Musiek
By Frank E. Musiek, Ph.D. The field of auditory neuroanatomy has had a varied but respectful history. This history could be divided into neuroanatomical studies on humans and animals. The human cadaver studies, and now more recently various imaging studies, have been perhaps more germane to clinicians and those involved in clinical research. One of the most cited and renowned
Mar. 04, 2015

Revisiting the Journal of Auditory Research (JAR)

Dr. Frank Musiek
Jeff Weihing, University of Louisville Frank Musiek, Editor HHTM Pathways, University of Arizona A new feature of HHTM Pathways that is beginning this month is the revisiting of one of the truly historic journals in audiology and hearing science —The Journal of Auditory Research (JAR). The venerable J. Donald Harris was the originator and editor of this esteemed scientific communication.
Featured image for “Auditory impacts of Blast Exposure”
Feb. 06, 2015

Auditory impacts of Blast Exposure

Dr. Frank Musiek
By Melissa A. Papesh and Frederick J. Gallun Difficulty understanding speech in noisy environments is one of the most common complaints motivating patients to seek care from audiologists. Most often, this complaint is associated with some degree of hearing impairment, advancing age, or a combination of both. But how is an audiologist to respond when the patient is a young
Jan. 07, 2015

Unmasking Auditory Temporal Masking

Dr. Frank Musiek
By Renata Filippini, Ph.D. University of Sao Paulo Auditory temporal masking may be didactically considered an auditory temporal processing ability, alongside temporal ordering, temporal resolution and temporal integration (Shinn, 2003). Currently, clinical tests for the assessment of temporal ordering and temporal resolution are available to clinicians, while tests to evaluate temporal masking and temporal integration were not yet developed. Perhaps,
Dec. 03, 2014

“Undercut” Lesions in the Auditory Areas of the Cerebrum

Dr. Frank Musiek
By Frank E. Musiek, Ph.D. Introduction In this month’s issue of Pathways I have decided to write on a topic that has become of interest to me and that certainly plays a key role in neuroaudiology as well as the diagnostic medical community such as neurology, neuroradiology and neurosurgery. The topic is what I will term the concept of “lesion
Nov. 05, 2014

Comparison of Staggered Spondaic Words and Competing Words Test Results in ADHD: A Case Study

Dr. Frank Musiek
By Vishakha Rawool, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, USA.   Introduction One of the tests included in an auditory processing disorder (APD) test battery is a dichotic test. Dichotic listening refers to the ability to repeat different stimuli that are presented to right and left ears at the same time.  For example, in the dichotic digits test (Musiek, 1983) the
Oct. 01, 2014

Maximizing Auditory Training Effectiveness – A Clinical Perspective

Dr. Frank Musiek
By Carol A. Lau, MA (Aud), BA (Sp & H Th) Sound idEARS Hearing & Listening Clinic An increasing body of evidence is turning into a testament for the effectiveness of Auditory Training (AT) for Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD).  Many studies are reporting improvements on behavioural test outcome measures and neurophysiological measures in children with learning difficulties and language