Hear In Private Practice

Nov. 01, 2011

Musical Ear Syndrome – Auditory Memory versus Auditory Hallucinations

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Most practitioners have had a client with various types of simple tinnitus (ringing, buzzing, chirping, etc.). Many others hear more complex sounds (music or voices), but do not report it  in their case history because they fear being diagnosed as “crazy”. The latter is known as Musical Ear Syndrome (MES), and includes hearing voices singing, bands or orchestras playing, or
Oct. 24, 2011

Online Hearing Tests?

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
This post continues last week’s post about online retailing of hearing devices.  Today’s post analyzes the current set up by United Health Care (UHC) which recently contracted with hi HealthInnovations to deliver devices.  At present a hearing exam can be taken on the website.  This hearing test consists of two tones (high/low) delivered to the right ear and the the left
Oct. 17, 2011

Big Box Going Retail With Hearing “Devices”

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Continuing last week’s post about UHC and Big Box stores going straight to retail for hearing healthcare, several topics must be focused on and dealt with soon.  The first, which is the subject of today’s post, is the difference between a hearing aid and a personal sound amplifier product (PSAP).  According to the FDA,  A hearing aid is a wearable sound-amplifying
Oct. 10, 2011

Vulnerability and Becoming Better: Thank you Steve Jobs

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
This past week has been a struggle  – in my office, at home, and in the news.  Along with all of these events I learned that United HealthCare and Best Buy are going direct to consumers and my favorite great innovator, Steve Jobs passed away.  There is so much information from  the first  events that they will consume a few
Oct. 03, 2011

Keeping Up With the Schedule

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
I wrote previously about combining the best of the retail and medical scheduling models to streamline our practices, yet still accommodate emergency appointments.  To help solve this problem, our appointment times tend to be longer than other practices and we know those specific patients who need more time.  With a simple email or phone call ahead, we are usually able
Sep. 25, 2011

Your Best Social Media Tool

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
I had the privilege of hearing Hawkeye Richardson speak at our local business club.  He believes most people really miss the boat when it comes to using social media.  We now live in a world of technology, automatically using computers or smart phones to promote our business. But we have forgotten that the first “social media” was good old face-to-face interaction.  He
Sep. 19, 2011

What Are Your Crossroads?

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
A question I often get is, “How did you become an audiologist?” When I was growing up, I never imagined myself working in the health care arena.  In college, I could not even see beyond the next semester!  When I finally declared a major, I chose Education, only because that is what my mother did.  She was exceptionally calm – an angel on earth.  I, however, was a
Sep. 12, 2011

Keeping up with the Latest Research

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
In our News Watch by David Kirkwood, he reported upon several studies that would be beneficial to us professionals who fit hearing devices. We need to spread the word of these studies, through our office as well as our professional contacts. The first thing we need to communicate  is that hearing devices really are working.  The study from the Better
Sep. 06, 2011

Tech Versus Time Versus Knowledge

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Every day I am amazed at how technology has changed my perspective on the world.  I was chatting with my father recently about how I used to write my reports using the shelf lined with encyclopedias in the basement.  I still remember just looking through them and I recall some of the pictures that fascinated me.  Now, when my children
Aug. 30, 2011

Your Opportunity to Market to Your Own Patients

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Since the beginning, our practice has sent letters to patients for their birthdays and, especially, for hearing aid warranty renewals, since many of manufacturers will renew warranties through five years.  After the manufacturer warranty renewals expire, we still send reminders for annual exams and then introduce incentives to upgrade.  When the manufacturers’ warranties are no longer available, third party hearing