Hearing Economics

Featured image for “Ear Device Patents for July 2022”
Sep. 06, 2022

Ear Device Patents for July 2022

Making It Real Verizon’s patent #11386903 seeks to improve speech in artificial worlds, where understanding speech turns out to be just as hard as in daily life As in the real world, certain artificial reality worlds may immerse users in complex and chaotic audio environments. For instance, an artificial reality world may include a significant number of people speaking at
Featured image for “Ear Device Patents for June 2022”
Aug. 14, 2022

Ear Device Patents for June 2022

Holly Hosford-Dunn
Minding Our Auditory Manners OtoUSA’s patent #1367348 aims to outfit traffic signals to automate and improve IDing and chastising those who scorn noise ordinances on the road: “for a mobile audio signal source which makes loud noise at arbitrary places and time, for example illegally modified car, old vehicle or speeding motorcycle, it is hard to give evidence, or a
Featured image for “Ear Device Patents for May 2022”
Jul. 09, 2022

Ear Device Patents for May 2022

Holly Hosford-Dunn
Just doin’ their thangs Amazon and Apple came up with earbud designs this month (respectively, D951236 & D950526). It took two inventors to create Amazon’s bud while Apple’s took a whopping 20. Will Apple’s design be 10 times better, does Amazon make their inventors work 10 times as hard, or probably none of the above? Bragi continues to do interesting things
Featured image for “Ear Device Patents for April 2022”
Jun. 08, 2022

Ear Device Patents for April 2022

Holly Hosford-Dunn
Among the many interesting patents in this month’s list, Oticon’s #11297444 for a Hearing Aid System is a standout for all its sensor-laden activity, as described here. Reading the description, it’s hard to envision how to know that the device is properly inserted in the ear, but the sensors probably tell you.  … at least one surface electrode located at
Featured image for “Ear Device Patents for March 2022”
May. 12, 2022

Ear Device Patents for March 2022

Holly Hosford-Dunn
Avocado oil is advocated for heart health; also for treating osteoarthritis. Now, add hearing health to the list of things for which avocado oil is a Good Thing.  Dong Kook Phar Co Ltd’s patent #11273194 claims a Pharmaceutical composition containing avocado oil fraction as active ingredient for prevention or treatment of hearing loss. The March 2022 Patent List Description Patent
Featured image for “Ear device patents for February 2022”
Apr. 16, 2022

Ear device patents for February 2022

Holly Hosford-Dunn
Ear Device Variety The January 2022 patent post highlighted sensors loaded onto ear devices. For those interested in more on sensors, see Sonova’s patent #11240611 in this month’s list, which provides a good summary of sensor types and applications under development. Nocira’s patent #11246793, entitled Ear Pumps, describes a treatment device [that] can utilize specific patterns of pressure applied to
Featured image for “Ear device patents for January 2022”
Apr. 04, 2022

Ear device patents for January 2022

Holly Hosford-Dunn
More to Them Than Meets the Eardrum Hearing aids are fast developing into all-round sensing devices, multitasking on top of sound amplification by tracking eye movement and measuring body temperature (Starkey’s patents 11223915 & 11213252); using EEG and cardiovascular signals for biofeedback (GN Hearing’s 11228849 & MindMics’ 11234069); and monitoring health in general (Google’s 11219412).  No doubt, that’s just the
Featured image for “Ear Device Patents for December 2021”
Jan. 11, 2022

Ear Device Patents for December 2021

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Hearable is a relatively new word in our vocabulary. It’s only made the title of 6 US patents since it first appeared in 7/2019. Not until this month has a patent title specified a hearable of the type we see on the market:   Three patents aim to authenticate or detect of existing devices (Harmon,  Apple and Qualcomm) Two Facebook patents
Featured image for “Diffusion of Innovations and its Application to Hearing Care: Part 3”
Jan. 03, 2022

Diffusion of Innovations and its Application to Hearing Care: Part 3

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
by Amyn Amlani, PhD The Diffusion of Innovation, developed by Rogers in 1962, is a social process that occurs among people in response to learning about an innovation. In this model, diffusion involves an innovation that is communicated through various channels, over time, to members of a social system. The reader was introduced to these concepts in Parts 1 and
Featured image for “Readers’ Choice 2021: US Hearing Aid Pricing: Part 5 – The Markup Ratio”
Dec. 27, 2021

Readers’ Choice 2021: US Hearing Aid Pricing: Part 5 – The Markup Ratio

Hearing Health & Technology Matters
Dear Readers: During this holiday season, the editors at Hearing Health & Technology Matters (HHTM) are taking some time off. However, we are not leaving you without anything to read on our blog this week. Instead, we are publishing a special holiday edition filled with what we call our Readers’ Choices. Our Readers’ Choices featured this week are the posts